Donaghmore Ashbourne GAA

Founded 1923

Co. Meath

Club Cleanup Day - Thank You

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It was great to see members from all areas of the club helping out during our cleanup day.

There was also time for coffee, trademark "siopa bacon rolls" cooked by Sheila, Anne and Mary, and excellent cakes baked by Mary and Sandra.

Community is everything and please take note of the work that was done by the volunteers yesterday and respect our club.
If you find something out of place then the first step is to tidy it up, pull the weed or let Jackie know as we are all custodians of our great Club and it is us that keep it in check..

I would like to thank Brian Thomas and Michael Doherty for coordinating all the tasks during the day.

Did  you also know that we have a Maintenance Committee that performs many jobs over the year and if you have a skill that can help the club then contact Jackie at reception or give Brian Thomas a call on 0872956495

We Intend to have a club clean up day twice a year so you all have plenty of time to volunteer for the next one.

Thanks to everyone that helped

Joe Synnott

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