Our under 13( 2010) girls teams had two very different starts to their seasons. On Wednesday our Green team travelled to Bective for our first Div 8 game. We started off very strong with great defending and several scores on the board but the dark clouds that had begun to gather as we arrived gave way to torrential rain. The girls played on despite the dreadful conditions but the match had to be abandoned. A replay will be scheduled in the near future. On Saturday our White Team headed to Milltown to play Skryne for our first match in Div 2. It was by no means an easy challenge. We played well but as always there are things we could improve on. As this was our first match since last year we were bound to be rusty but eventually we found our stride. The second half was tougher with Skryne putting on the pressure. At full time the result was on our side.
Photo: U13 White team